
Invisalign vs. Braces Differences and how they Work

Do you suffer from teeth malignment or poor bite? Then it is time you visit your dentist to have that corrected. Unknown to many, teeth malignment puts you at risk for developing tooth decay and gum disease. Besides, it lowers your self-confidence, limiting your social life.

Luckily, depending on your budget, malformation severity, and your doctor’s preferences, there are multiple options to consider. For a long time, braces were the most common solution for maligned teeth. However, Invisalign is slowly gaining ground.

Notably, both methods straighten teeth, improving your general oral health, while also serving cosmetic. Let us pin Invisalign vs. braces to understand their functionality better.

Mode of Action;

Braces are more common. They consist of brackets with archwires that fit over the teeth. The archwire applies gentle and continuous pressure on the brackets, moving the teeth into position with time. From time to time, the wire is adjusted to suit the desired position of teeth. Braces are indicated for patients with severe dental problems such as overly crooked teeth. The average treatment time is about two years.

Invisalign, on the other hand, are a series of custom-made aligners worn over the teeth.  They are made of transparent plastic material, which makes them invisible and more comfortable for the user. Aligners are replaced every two weeks as the teeth move into the desired position. They are ideal for mild to moderate dental problems such as crowded and gapped teeth. The treatment period for Invisalign is between six to eighteen months.

Differences between Invisalign and braces include:

  • Patients are likely to comply more with braces because, unlike Invisalign, braces are not easily removable. Removing braces may disrupt the process of teeth alignment, thus highly discouraged. On the other hand, one can remove Invisalign when brushing or flossing. That alone enhances the compliance level for Invisalign.
  • Invisalign does not interfere with the patient’s daily life. That is because you can take them off when eating, drinking, and brushing. Unfortunately, that does not apply to braces, making it difficult to brush teeth or remove stuck food particles.
  • Invisalign aligner is invisible as it consists of clear plastic. Therefore people hardly notice them. Braces, on the other hand, are made of metal, therefore not hard to recognize.
  • While on Invisalign, one requires frequent adjustments, which you can do all by yourself at home. You only need to switch aligners, and thus only visit the doctor every six weeks. That saves time and resources. However, when on braces, you will require adjustments done professionally every three to four weeks.
  • While using braces, you have many eating restrictions, as particular foods can damage the brackets and wires. Such foods include; hard, sticky, and sugary foods. With Invisalign, there are no restrictions, as it is possible to remove your aligners so that you can enjoy your favorite food.


No matter your choice, the end goal is to straighten your teeth and achieve that perfect smile you have always desired. Weigh your options on both, and in consultation with your dentist, come up with a method that will best suit you.